Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Ah, one week into unemployment and I'm coming off of the roller coaster o' emotion. Y'all have seen how I've struggled with this transition, but I'm beginning to see the silver lining so to speak.

1) I now have a potential social circle with my former colleagues. It wouldn't have been easy to be friends with those whom I supervised, but now we have lunch scheduled for Friday. This is a very good development.

2) On another website about 43 things people want to do in their lifetime, I now have the opportunity to actually accomplish some of these things I listed. For instance, I'm writing.

3) I don't have Mother's guilt for leaving Edgar every day in the blue bathroom. He's a much happier dog.

4) I'm working on a healthier lifestyle with my physical therapy and cooking good meals.

5) I'm taking care of things that we all should but never have the time like doing a house inventory for insurance purposes.

6) I'm a much happier person for my husband to come home to every night/day (depending upon his call schedule) and I can be a better stress absorber for him.

7) I'm not too drained to attend social events after being extroverted all day long. We actually went to the graduation and the interns karaoke party in one weekend...this was unheard of before. J karaoked, I did not. The last time I did was my 22nd birthday in New Orleans and Prince's "Raspberry Beret" will never be the same.

8) Reflection, reflection, reflection

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