One of my close girlfriends noticed, "Holy Hannah, I certainly know you've been blogging since you've been unemployed with all of the entries!" Well, yes, it is one way I like to think I'm contributing to society in my delusional state of temporary housewifedom. The same girlfriend showed me a link to someone who truly is insane and either deserves a DSM diagnosis or a cookbook publishing deal . (Hey, its my first successful embedded link! Cue the roar of approval from the peanut gallery.)
Lets talk fiber, shall we? I mean truly how many entries are there dedicated to fiber out there? I figure if one person can do a whole blog on cupcakes then I can do one little tiny entry about fiber. The first thing you should know is that my husband is obsessed with fiber. This did not come with him attending medical school. Nope, I blame/credit his family of origin for this. We cannot scan the cereal or bread aisle without him flipping the boxes over to see exactly how many grams are worthy of being in our cabinets. I've learned that 2 grams is unacceptable and that 3 grams is marginal, but anything with 4 or more is the bees knees. This is a total switch for a girl who grew up with whatever was advertised the most on Saturday morning cartoons and promised some kind of prize in the sugary melee.
He once told me a story of a friend in high school who would look for the cereal with twigs in it. I knew this particular friend. He was brilliant, but also in that way that made his view on life seem just a bit off. I thought it was just his way of being quirky and J was just relaying this in the story. The other night we went specifically to the store for cereal.
"Hey, honey, look twigs! Its the cereal (Mario/Yoshi/Ben/etc) had in high school! I found it!" I heard as he picked up a very bland looking box. There were no cartoon characters promising chocolatey goodness in every bite, no secret decoder rings to collect, and no mazes on the back to help the Captain find his crunch-o-scope. "And look at the fiber content on this!"

I further inspected the box to find the unheard of amount of 12 grams of fiber in 1 serving. 12. Yes, you read it correctly.

"They would have to be literal twigs in order to get this amount of fiber in a serving. You may as well just go gnaw on the tree in the front yard. Are you sure they aren't real twigs?" Images flooded of Edgar pooping in the front yard and J in his bathrobe gnawing at the base of our pine tree like a beaver while neighbors strolled on their merry morning walks.
"Nah, I think its just what they call them."
"Well, now that's an advertising gimmick I wouldn't have thought of. Which company actually hired this ad agency and thought that this was the BEST idea?" I prematurely concluded that it had to have been a Japanese company given the fact that my cousin's blog was filled with poorly translated English advertising concepts. See here as an example of many.
Nope it was Kashi. A company marketed to the health conscious Gen X'ers/Baby Boomers. They were located in the hoity toity area of San Diego, La Jolla. On vacation once a girlfriend and I had to rent a Mercedes car service to get back to our hotel from this area because there weren't any regular cabs to be found in this area of town.
"Good friends?" I then exclaimed looking at the P.C. correct couple on the front of the box. "That is what they are calling it? Good friends? As in, you should be good friends with your colon?"
Hell, if I ate this cereal NO ONE would want to be good friends with me because I would stink so much. But, never the less, it won a spot in our cabinet. Note that it also states "I will savor my broccoli" Not a good friend of W, who hates broccoli, so that meant it would be a friend of mine.

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