Friday, September 11, 2009

Isn't It Rich? Aren't We a Pair?

I hate this song and yet whenever we end up ill, J strikes up the band. It's all I can do to cover my ears before he mentions anything about clowns.

I'm on day 4 of being bed-bound. Let me just say that this whole sick thing is beginning to wear thin. I've rescheduled somewhere around 6 interviews so I do not infect others. By mode of default, J and I have begun to think we have the dreaded swine flu. Fever? Check. Sore throat? Check. Wishing your head wasn't attached to your body? Check. Wondering if your swollen glands are going to burst through your skin like Aliens? Check. Debating about eating because the thought of chewing is exhausting and painful? Check. "Sexyish" flu bed head from all of the sweats and chills? Check. The oh so attractive look of pasty white death warmed over? Check. On the positive, both of us have the cluster of symptoms so at least we aren't alone in our misery but that does leave us at a lack of a caregiver when we're both moaning about how it hurts to lie still.

I think one of the worst parts is that guilt of duty thing. Unprecedented, J has been out of work for 3 days straight. This takes a lot and tells me exactly how terrible he feels. But every morning he pulls himself out of bed looking quite pasty and debates if he feels well enough to go in and take care of his patients. It usually takes a few calls to his boss and hospital ward under his care before he decides he really would be better off at home.

We are going stir crazy. What I wouldn't give for a nice trip to the grocery store. I hate going to the grocery store, but truly it sounds like a great exotic break from the mundane.

Last night I woke up from a dream that my head was being used as a dodge ball. I kept thinking I really needed Tylenol, but the thought of getting out of bed was more painful than just lying there in agony. Finally when my husband roused from sleep an hour or two later I mustered my request for the two magical pills that might stop the chills and ease the pain. He was woken up by a dream of having died in a car accident. I have no idea what time it was so suffice it to say I was highly cautious about dosing myself with more when I finally got out of bed this morning. I have to say my fingers hurt from typing. I guess the writing is on the wall: time for me to get back in bed.

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