Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Shape Shifting

After several esteemed colleagues told me that while they love to follow my blog, "for the love of all that is holy, please change the font," I did. I suppose embracing the inability to write HTML and translate that into Mac-speak, is a part of self-awareness and growth. I do have limitations and boy oh boy, computer speak is one of them. One follower told me that my "improved" font looked like tiny old English and another had to copy and paste my entries into Word so they could reformat it into something legible. So sorry for the strife!

I have been conspicuously absent from posting lately. Let's just say that the stars aligned and I've been in interview after interview. It's been a much needed change of pace. I actually get to dress up in my real-adult-costume of suits and heels to head out and get a feel for what is out there in the professional world. I must say that my former graduate school colleagues have been a huge support for me during this challenge. It's so nice to know you have people you can count on for support, ideas, and brainstorming.

Who knows what will come of these forays into professional life, but I certainly am enjoying the process.

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