Friday, August 7, 2009

Up to Speed

For all you Mac users I must first apologize. The website must look like I took out the old typewriter font for my oh so fabulous makeover - and not achieving it. Akin to showing up to my prom in my brothers stinky tennis shoes. I assure you that if you actually borrowed a PC and found the website you would be a bit more pleasantly surprised. I spent all day yesterday playing with the template, fonts, colors, and other nuances in HTML. This is big because I do not speak HTML. For all I know it stands for Hippopotamuses Together Must Languish! It was only until the end of the day that I proudly showed my husband on the Mac to realize the incompatibility of the two. When looking at the screen I realized a third grader could have done better. At least they might be fluent in HTML. Makes me want to pull out my walker and mumble, "Those kids these days!" I might even pull out a shall for a grand effect of showing how old I am.

Now I knew these two systems are not compatible, but really? Fonts? How hard is it to get fonts across these two giant corporations? I've known PC doesn't play well with Apple. I've gone back and forth between these two systems all my life. In the 8th grade my newspaper adviser brought in his own Mac so I could layout the student paper. However, when I got into high school we were still using the light board with exact-o knives to literally cut and paste the pages together. In college we re-entered the renaissance and I remember I got my own email account that I could access only from the library PC's. The "sophisticated" program was akin to the stupid C prompt. I didn't use it much. My Mom always had PC's for her business even though there was a subtle rivalry even within the family as her oldest sister only worked on Macs. I can't believe it's now 2009 and the rivalry continues. Even within my own home we have a semi-working PC (it's the laptop with the shattered screen hooked up to the monitor that once belonged to the dead desk hard drive), and the sleek new sophisticated beautiful Mac Book Pro. Can you tell which one I'm working on primarily? I'll give you a hint: I have a ton of cords. *sigh* Well, that and I probably wouldn't have spent 5 hours working on fonts on a computer that wouldn't show the glories of my efforts!

Now several of you are probably wondering what the Hell happened to me. It's been like a month since I posted! Last time I checked the site she was going on and on about New England and then, poof! she's gone! It's called moving, folks. Come on, say it with me: "C-r-a-z-y."

So here is a brief summary of what I've been doing in the past month: Canoe down the Charles River to watch the fireworks for the 4th of July, insanely decide to make a last minute trip to Utah to see the family, have a great dinner with my brother and his wife, hang out with my husbands grandparents, play up in the canyons, make dinner for my in-laws, come back from 4 days behind the Zion curtain to find Edgar's paws to be a bit tender because the dog sitters played fetch on hot asphalt, proceed to carry Edgar "Skittle Toes" around the house for 2 days because he's too tender to walk, lick my emotional wounds, let college students pack our belongings in one day (a.k.a. sure it makes sense to put the pantry items like flour in with the scented candles!), pay 3 burly men to drag/carry our belongings onto a truck, spend a lot of money in buying every moving crew lunch plus tipping them, clean the empty apartment like mad men while trying to assure J that perfection is not needed, go stay with Boston Mom, take a side trip to Kennibunkport, Maine where the secret service guys like to hang to guard George Sr. and Barb, proceed to travel West staying in such glamorous spots like Cleveland and Lake Geneva, send postcards to nieces and nephews along the way so they can track your journey across the USA and learn little history lessons to boot, lament you don't have enough time this trip to do such diversions like Niagara Falls (something you promised you'd do on the trip West when you ran out of time going East), wish Wegman's Supermarket was national, learn our new mortgage person is not a detail oriented person (not good, folks), close on the house, have an awesome dinner with our Realtor, have the Boston shipment arrive the next morning, have the Utah shipment arrive a few days later, play "guess what's in this box?" game, play the "why in the world did I pay to store this crap for 3 years in Utah?" game, wrestle with self-examination and life purpose (you know, a light diversion), realize that queen bed box mattresses do not fit up the steep stairs, put 2 queen box springs in the dining room while you ponder what to do next, realize that you accidentally gave the Pottery Barn sofa slipcovers to Goodwill instead of the 2 bags of clothes that haven't fit since 2005, lament and grieve stupidity of having a naked couch and hope that a bargan hunter is enjoying the slipcovers, search for jobs, bake cookies for neighbors, learn you didn't make enough cookies for people 4 houses down who heard the new neighbors were giving out cookies, rejoice that you have your beloved high efficiency washer/dryer back, hear from niece and nephew's mom that while they enjoyed the postcards the kids keep asking for a lobster dinner now, take Edgar for walks so he can chase bunnies/squirrels/chipmunks and enjoy the fireflies, try to coordinate with Mom about coming for a visit, have a vegan picnic with work people at the lake front, go into a cooking frenzy, learn you've been eliminated in a job search you really wanted, do more self-examination, watch chipmunk steal new budding lemons off of "Lucinda the Lemon Tree" and curse them, bring Lucinda inside, watch husband obsess about CAT cable vs. Ethernet or whatever sprawling all over the house when considering ISP service, discover the stupidity of previous home owners in their "quick fixes" and random holes in walls/floors, make multiple trips to local hardware store and Home Depot, read mindless novels, obsess about how to fix the wool rug smell, do more self-examination, worry about things you can't control, and finally get tired of living in the maze of boxes, oddly prioritize organizing the guest room first (looks great, by the way), do more extreme gourmet cooking, work on blog, and finally decide that you will get one more room organized before the end of the day.

So there you have it. I have had a lot of experiences that do warrant more explicit blog entries. Believe me, there have been a lot of instances in the past few weeks that I have commented to my husband that it was blog-worthy, but alas no time. Well, no time and we just got internet 2 days ago.

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