Sunday, December 30, 2007

Walt's World

Well, J is back on call as of 6:30 AM this morning. He has traded one virus for another as well. Having recovered from gastro on our vacation, he now has a head filled with green sticky fluid. Niiiccee!!! Ah, the joys of working in a cess pool called "hospital."

Yesterday we went on one of those married dates. You know, the ones where you pretend you are still courting one another, but the kiss on the doorstep is rather anticlimactic as you both enter the same house and you know you are going to bed together. None-the-less, we had a great time.

We went to see "Enchanted." About half way through the movie I realized that the last two movies we actually bought tickets for were both Disney movies. I believe we saw the rat one when you still wore shorts was that long ago. Either: a) J and I need such blatant excuses to escape reality into fantasy where there are happily ever afters, b) We are ready to have kids because we truly opt to spend free time in movies that are limited to PG, or c) We've been brainwashed by Walt himself from the grave to support the Mickey empire. It was actually a cute (predictable) movie and it was worth seeing if only to watch Amy Adams who truly deserves that nomination. She must have watched animated princess movies 1000+ times just to get those expressions of glee down.

We decided to step it up a notch on the grown-up scale and head to the IMA for the largest exhibition from the Louvre. It was on the Roman empire and of course we waited until the 5th to last day. It was packed and we waited in line for about 20 minutes before getting to the first room. I'm ashamed to say that I dabble in Art History because by room #2, all of the relief work and marble busts missing noses were beginning to blend together. All I could remember was some concept called "contrapposto" where the sculptor is able to distribute the figure's weight proportionately and they aren't leaning on some stick that is disguised to look like a tree log to keep them upright. The Romans didn't quite get this concept down yet. All I remember about Roman history is that Constantine made Christianity THE religion of the State and one of the emperors, Caligula, (sounds like a STD name to me) went crazy and declared his horse a senator. Both facts are true.

As we stood in front of a large map showing the expansiveness of the Roman empire a mother was explaining to her young son what it was.

"Where's Indiana?" The little boy asked.

This raised a bit of a chuckle from all of the nearby visitors. Afterwards I was giggling a bit about the child's remark in the car.

"I didn't know whether to think it was cute or be appalled." J commented. To be honest, I didn't pay attention to how old the kiddo was to even assess that. I'll probably go with the "cute" variety, myself, given that those who fall below on the bell curve wouldn't even be in an art exhibit from the Louvre with their child.

Lately I've been extremely kid-hungry and unless the child is simply deplorable, it hasn't been satiated by even hanging around the ankle-biters. This comes from a person who would pass off her babysitting jobs often because she didn't like children! (Ironic that I ended up specializing in peds, I realize.) And yet, I realize I have about another year before we even begin planning for a family. Anti-malaria drugs + pregnancy + third world country = BAD.

In the meantime, I'll still be watching the Disney films and making boxed macaroni and cheese a la Trader Joes.

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